First Chapter Reveal: Play His Game by Audrey Randall

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Title: Playing His Game
Author: Audrey Randall
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: August 8, 2016
Playing His Game Learning the moves from the best… Aimee, a teacher, never wanted to be in the limelight, but when her professional videogame playing twin sister asked her to fill in for her at the regional championships, how could she say no? Especially, when the best player of The Celestial Prophesy is her teacher… in more ways than one. All she knows is that she is dying to lick his Star Wars Rebel Alliance tattoo and see if he is the Superman that his other body art implies. He's going to school the teacher... Daemon Ivanov has lusted after Aimee for years. One taste of her and he knows that she will be his. A few nights will not be enough. Daemon plays to win. Caution: This story is full of lust. So much lust that you might find that you need a fan due to the rising temperature in the room. It's the first in a series with an HEA, but is a standalone story. KEEP READING AFTER PLAYING HIS GAME FOR A COMPLETE BONUS TRYST! The Virgin and the Cowboy Carey is having the worst day ever! Her expensive new shoe breaks causing her to fall, but to make matters worse, a hot cowboy witnesses it. She never expected that her worst day ever would land her in the arms of her dream cowboy. Don’t forget to read to the end to see Carey’s HEA. These stories are meant for an adult audience. If you are 18+, enjoy!
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playing his game 1

Chapter One

  “You have got to be kidding me?!” Aimee replied as she looked at her identical twin sister, Stephanie. Steph had always been the impulsive one, but this request was on a whole new level- even for Steph. “I’m not! Look, we really could use your help! If you don’t go as me, the whole team will lose! I can’t do it, and you have the summer since school’s out…” Stephanie pleaded as she held up her arms, both sporting bright pink casts up to her mid forearm. She then did her best puppy dog eye impression to guilt Aimee even more. Aimee felt a bang of sympathy for her wounded sister and thanked whoever had saved Steph a worse fate. The poor thing had been lucky to only break both of her wrists in the massive car accident she had been in the day before. Her injury couldn’t have come at a worse time for her career. Steph’s guild in the wildly popular videogame, The Celestial Prophesy, the Star Raiders, had made it to the regional competition that was taking place in two days. Winners from the regional games went onto the national competitions. The Star Raiders were a fan favorite to move on, but if word got out about Steph’s injury, it could hurt more than just their chances of winning. It put into jeopardy their livelihood, which included major company sponsorships, conferences, consulting, and prize money. Nebula One, the game’s creator, had made a fortune off the game and so had their key players. It was the most popular game in the world, boasting whole channels dedicated to its play and regular news spots covering the game and popular players like Steph and her team. Feeling guilty about possibly letting down Daemon, Aaron, and Lana, Steph had concocted a wild plan to have Aimee pose as her for the competition. The problem was, Aimee had no clue how to play The Celestial Prophesy. As a second grade teacher in Berkeley, California, Aimee didn’t really understand what it was about the space game that made her sister spend all her waking hours playing it. Heck, she was still amazed that people made such a comfortable living from it. “Look, I’ve already invited Daemon over to help teach you. He’s arguably the best player in the game, after me of course,” Steph said as she bent forward to take a sip from the bendy straw in her soda. “Of course, you are the best,” Aimee agreed as she took a sip of her own soda. “It’ll be a miracle if he manages to speak three words to me,” she mused. Aimee felt her panties getting wet just thinking about Daemon Ivanov. She hated to admit it, but he had played a large role in her personal nighttime fantasies. He was very drool worthy. “Maybe he has a crush on you?” Steph suggested waggling her eyebrows at Aimee with a silly smile. When she then gave an exaggerated pucker kiss, Aimee felt herself start laughing.“Ha!” Aimee retorted. She wished that he did. Although he had spent many afternoons on her couch over the last two years, she had also seen him on TV and magazines dating models and actresses. Aimee vividly remembered a year ago when he even dated the Prime Minister of England’s daughter. His popularity wasn’t that surprising, at six foot three with his rangy cowboy type of build that always drew the ladies eyes. She had always wanted to ask him how he got such a great body from playing games professionally, since it was such a ‘couch potato’ type of job. She knew he spent a lot of time indoors, since he was a bit on the pale side. But, that only turned Aimee on more. As a huge fan of vampire romances, it was like he was her own blood sucker. How she would love to let him suck her! She could write whole sonnets on his gorgeous lips. Sometimes the image of him using his sexy lips on various parts of her body would pop in her mind at the most inopportune times at work- giving a spelling test, photocopying papers, staff meetings. It always served to make her cream her panties, especially if she imagined herself holding his head to her mound, weaving her fingers through his thick, wavy black hair as he looked up at her with his moss green eyes. Yum! Spending any time alone with Daemon might not be a good thing. It wasn’t just his sexy body that called to her, but his personality too. He was… intense. He had a certain charisma about him that made Aimee’s panties melt. Although they had never had a conversation without her sister present, she had always felt a spark between them. A spark that could ignite into a five alarm fire on her side, if she let it. She didn’t want to ruin her sister’s career and friendship because she couldn’t keep her panties on. “It’ll be fine, Aimee,” Steph reassured Aimee. A knock sounded on the door making the twins turn. “I’ll just… get that.” Aimee set her drink down and got up from the couch, feeling frazzled. If only she had been given some more warning, she might have been able to handle this. Now, she would be letting everyone down when she told them there was no way she could pose as Steph for the game. She felt torn. It felt morally wrong to lie, but at the same time she couldn’t look into the face of her sister and her team as she told them she would be letting them down. Before answering the door, Aimee looked at herself in the full length mirror next to the coat closet. “Arg!” she tore her fingers through her long, mahogany hair to try to get it to behave. It was an effort in vain, as it continued to fall limply around her face.Another knock sounded on the door, and Steph gave a laugh from the couch as Aimee jumped. “Impatient guy! You might want to get that!” her sister called to her with a laugh. Aimee just turned and stuck her tongue out at her twin. She then pulled her pale blue sundress down a bit, wishing that she didn’t have those extra ten pounds around her thighs or that she had time to change into something that didn’t show so much leg. Mentally counting to three, she opened the door. 
About The Author
I'm just a girl who loves romance with heat in my books. From a young age, I used to sneak romance novels to read in the middle of the night. The more smut the better! When I'm not picturing men in kilts, or preferably nothing at all, I like to read, watch movies, and eat as much ice cream as possible!Feel free to contact me! I love to hear from my readers! :) Website | FacebookGoodreads

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