#review  @LisaReneeJones

Deep Under

QueenZany 5 Star Review

Deep Under

by Lisa Renee Jones

Im such a Walker slut!!! Oh fuck yes I am!!
So I cant help! But bow down to the every lovely heavens!!!
Aww can you hear those angels singing?
Ok enough with all of that! Let’s get down to the fun stuff! How hot are these Walker Men?  Wait a minute my ovaries just exploded!

Well “Deep Under” did not disappoint!! It had suspense like in every Lisa Renee Jones books. Plus plenty of sizzle and a ton of alpha hotness!! I for one fell hard for this family in The inside and out series!!!  Let’s be honest you can’t go wrong with these characters and this writer!! Just another gem!!

ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

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