Cover Reveal - I Can't Die Alone by Regina Bartley

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Cover Reveal - I Can't Die Alone 

by Regina Bartley

Title: I Can't Die Alone
Author: Regina Bartley
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Regina Wamba, Mae I Design & Photography
 Release Date: August 21, 2016


She was alone on a journey to find a man she’d never met. She had a backpack filled with three days worth of clothing, and old photograph, and a letter dated 1997. With one goal in mind she set out to find the man from the letter, the man named Benjamin Cooper. The only thing that she knew about this man was that he was married to her mother many years ago, and according to his letter he loved her. That was the only conformation she needed to search for him.

Tori Holt had no family left that she knew of, and one chance to find someone to share her last days with. Otherwise, she’d die alone. The doctors said she wouldn’t live to see her twenty-first birthday, the birthday that was only three months away. Time was not on her side, but she didn’t care. Tori knew right from the beginning that this journey wouldn’t be easy. But it didn’t stop her, because nothing about her life had been easy. 

Then she met Bo, the handsome boy who kept her company on a park bench. Bo was the son of a man named Benjamin, the man from a letter dated 1997. 

The hardest part about finding love is letting it go.
The easiest part about the journey is the moment it all makes sense.

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Author Bio

Regina is a contemporary romance writer from Kentucky. She lives there with her husband, kids, dog and cat. She can be found behind her computer, a good book, or watching sports. She loves to hear from her readers.

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Release Blitz - Kaden by Brit Lauren

Title: Kaden
Series: The Recherché Series #2
Author: LP Lovell w/a Brit Lauren
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: August 15, 2016


I’m selling your fantasy. Are you buying?

My name is Kaden Ryan and I’m a male escort. I never intended to become an escort, but an opportunity fell into my lap and I took it. It was simple: get paid for sex, an orgasm, a night of pleasure. It's certainly an easy way to work my way through medical school.

But not everyone's fantasy is as simple as an orgasm. Some women like the game, and one in particular wants to push me to places I never thought I would go, paid or otherwise. She's going to be the one to give me a real education.

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Author Bio

Lauren Lovell is an indie author from England.

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards.

Lauren is a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be suffering from slight peen envy.

LP loves to hear from readers so please get in touch.

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