Release Blitz - Tempting Fate by Kylie Hillman

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Release Blitz - Tempting Fate by Kylie Hillman

Title: Tempting Fate
Series: Black Shamrocks MC #4
Author: Kylie Hillman
Genre: Dark Romance/Contemporary/Suspense
Release Date: July 30, 2016


Revenge or the love of his life?
Her soul mate versus her family?
Whatever they chose, someone loses.

Mik and Maddi. Mad Dog and his Angel. Mikhail Kennedy and Madelaine O'Brien. One without the other just doesn't seem right. They're made for each other; soul mates who've survived every obstacle thrown in their way.

It should be smooth sailing from now on. Mik taking his rightful place as the President of the Black Shamrocks MC with his woman by his side. Maddi free from the demons that plague her, finally back in the tender embrace of the love of her life.

Revenge. That dish best served cold. The need for it is eating Mik up inside. Filling him with hatred and blinding him to Maddi's struggle. He wants to avenge every wrong done to them while she wishes to forgive and forget.

A life filled with love and happiness ought to be their destiny. A future filled with pain and regret appears to be the actual outcome. With the love they've fought so hard to protect at stake, can they let go of the past and stop TEMPTING FATE?

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“It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll; I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
William Ernest Henley

Revenge. The vindictive pleasure it brings has been many a man’s downfall. Its seductive nature, the power it imbues, the satisfaction that settles in your bones knowing that you’ve settled the score, is a craving that’s hard to resist.

My man is strong. Stronger than any I’ve ever known yet I fear his need for retaliation is going to beat him. The Club needs a leader they can trust, a man who sticks to his word, a champion of their code of honor. Me, well I need my lover, my partner, my soul mate to put me first. He needs to be the master of our destiny, the keeper of our fate, while I’m lost in my grief and confusion.

It’s not fair. I know it’s not. Yet, even knowing how much he needs to avenge the wrongs that were brought down on our head—the deception that threatened to tear the Shamrocks apart—I can’t give him what he’s asking for.

My blessing.

To kill my father.

Every fiber of my being accepts that he’s my soul mate. My matching half. The yin to my yang. We both acknowledge that our destiny was sealed when I was just a girl. However, if he continues with his pursuit of vengeance, I fear the outcome will do more than tempt our fate.

It’ll destroy our future.



The wind and my woman at my back.

There’s no better feeling.

Gripping my ape-hangers, I maneuver my Harley to the head of the pack and accelerate. Fuck riding behind Timber right now. Fuck riding with anyone but Lainey. She’s the only person who matters to me, my sole reason for breathing.

I’m free. Jail is nothing but a receding reflection in my side mirror. We’ve survived our latest betrayal. Five months of fucking hell it cost us; leaving my woman to struggle on her own and me locked in a manmade hell-hole. Every fucker who conspired against us is gonna pay. I don’t give a shit whether they call themselves family or friend.

Mik was who they locked up. He was stabbed and beaten; bent and almost broken by a corrupt system and a plan put in place by a man he once loved like a second father.

Mad Dog is who emerged. Spiteful, nasty, bitter, and resentful. He’s hell bent on revenge; bound and determined to rid the world of every cockhead who’s ever done us wrong.

Starting with Beast. Father of the love of my life or not, he’s going to die.

Also Available





Coming Soon

Coming September 30, 2016

It's said that only in our darkest hour do we find light. That may be true for the lucky ones. When your light has been extinguished and pitch-black bleakness has taken hold, you could be excused for doubting that it will ever be reignited.

In the past when people mentioned Joel O'Brien, they talked about "the quiet one". The boy who was the family's voice of reason and their go-to guy for wisdom well beyond his years. Nowadays, they whisper about the "crippled one". The man who radiates darkness, who wallows in his self-pity, and refuses to find a way to deal with the injuries he sustained during the war that recently threatened to engulf theBlack Shamrocks MC. 

Sascha Koswalski is the light of her family's life. With a smile that could brighten the day of the most hard-hearted, the single mother uses her innate exuberance to help lessen the pain that afflicts her physiotherapy patients. She's yet to have a patient who doesn't respond to her sunny nature and skilled hands.

Until Joel. The stubborn, angry man might be the one patient she fails. Unable to crack his protective shell, Sascha is on the verge of giving up when Joel saves her from a life-threatening situation. Buoyed by the knowledge that there is a man filled with hope hiding underneath his cold veneer, can the physiotherapist rehabilitate more than his broken body? Will she be the light that reignites his belief in himself and sets them both on the path to FINDING NIRVANA? 

DISCLAIMER: This book contains depictions of graphic situations and is not suitable for all readers.

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Author Bio

Kylie Hillman is an Australian author. 

Wife to a Harley-riding, boating and fishing, four-wheel driving quintessential Aussie bloke. Mum to two crazy, adorable, and original kids. Crohn's Disease sufferer and awareness campaigner. She’s also an avid tea drinker, a connoisseur of 80s/90s rock music, and is known for lacing everything she says with sarcasm and inappropriate innuendo. 

Formerly working in finance, she was forced to reevaluate her plans for her life when severe Crohn's Disease brought her corporate career to a screeching halt. Restarting her childhood hobbies of writing and reading to alleviate the monotony of being sick and housebound, she found her calling and is enjoying life to the max. A typical day is spent in the "real" world where she hangs out with her awesome family and "book" world where she gets to chill with her fictional characters. 

Kylie writes the books she wants to read. A lover of strong men who aren't perfect and aren't afraid to admit it, straight talking women who embrace their vulnerabilities, and real life gritty stories, she hopes these themes shine through her writing. An avid reader of all genres, Kylie hopes to release books that keep the reader on the edge of their seat- be it with suspense, romance, or laughter.

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