`Release Day Blitz Captured by our Addiction by Karen France

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Release Day Blitz Captured by our Addiction by  Karen France 

`Release Day Blitz - Karen France - Captured by our Addiction

Book - Captured by our Addiction
Author - Karen Frances
Release Day - 15th August
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions


Addiction is something you have no control over. 
I would love to say I have control over my feelings for Michael Smith, but I can’t. 
He weakens my resolve.
The longer he stays in my life, the harder it gets to walk away from him and the more addicted I become.
My dark past makes me guarded where men are concerned ... why is he so different?


She is my addiction. I’m prepared to give up my life back home for her, to make a new life for us together ... if she lets me in.
We all have pasts, but hers is stopping her moving forward in life. A life I’m desperate to be a part of.
When her past comes back to haunt her, could I be giving up more than my life back home in New York?


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(¸.•´Captured by Our Addiction 

“You know, she’s not the only one who could use some fun in her life,” Michael whispers leaning closer to me. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It’s been a while since a man had this effect on me. Closing my eyes, I suck in a deep breath.
“Are you insinuating I don’t know how to have a good time?” I ask him as my eyes flicker open to Libby and Alex.

“Those two wouldn’t notice if you and I started making out, here and now.” Making out, who even says that? I want to laugh, but I also don’t want to draw attention to us.
I put my hand on his thigh and slowly run it toward his groin. Keeping my eyes on him, I watch as his blue eyes light up in amusement. Testing and teasing him. My hand stops when I feel his erection in his trousers; it turns me on, but I pull my hand away before I do something I will regret. Yes, Michael and I are going to get along. He is just the type of man I could have some fun with. Lots of fun with no strings attached.

“Oh, I know how to have fun, but I don’t think you have what it takes to have fun with me.”
“Don’t be so sure of that, sweetheart, I’m sure I have all the right equipment and it’s all in working order. I know you and I could have a lot of fun together.”
I turn away from him before either of us says anything else. But, I have to agree with him, he is just the type I could have fun with. A lot of fun with.

I live just outside Glasgow with my husband and kids. I currently help manage the family business. I find my escape from the ups and downs of family and business life, reading good books and recently rediscovered a passion for writing.

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