QueenZany 5 Star Review Nitro's Torment: Sydney Storm MC Nina Levine

#review @NinaLWriter #NitrosTorment


QueenZany 5 Star Review

Nitro's Torment: Sydney Storm MC

Nina Levine

“Nitro's Torment” is a biker novel that you can sink your teeth in and get lost in it for days! With a mix of wondrous lust, gritty, explosive, dangerous and dreamy biker hotness!!!

Which this book has and more. Plus this baby is at the top of my  favorites list now!

Nina knows how to cripple a woman by her death defying novels and her shamefully hot leads! That will leave you scorched with every turn, then break your ever loving heart in the next!

Dream Worthy swoon!!!  GOD YES!!! Just leave your panties at the door because you will not need them with Nitro lurking around! Hot!!!! Syyyyy

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