▬ஜ•✶Happy Release to Author Cecilia London✶•ஜ▬
Phoenix is LIVE. If you are not reading this saga, you are truly missing out. Her character Caroline is one that you will never forget, she is a whole new level of alpha female.
~~*: Reviewed by Bethany :*~~"She could build up that wall. Build a goddamn fortress. Of stone and mortar, not metal and glass. Thick. Impenetrable. Indestructible. Designed so that sad and happy thoughts were no longer allowed inside. Meant to keep everyone and everything at bay. And she was going to start doing it right fucking now."
This saga continues to KILL IT. Caroline is to date my favorite heroine. Even when she is at absolute rock bottom and trying to rebuild, she remains the queen of the perfect retort. She knows how to go for the jugular and still be witty. She just has an epic level of sass that I just adore.
"I hate him for making me love him."
For as feisty as Caroline is she is still torn between who she was, who she is and who she wants to become. Much like the title of the book, Phoenix, we watch her battle to rise from the ashes, but her wings seem to still be burning and Jack is the fuel to her fire.
I was a wreck watching Caroline and Jack in such a state of turmoil. Caroline’s torment both physically and mentally has taken a toll on her and she goes from hot to cold at the drop of a dime. Her need to block out her life before The Fed is outweighing her need to even see her husband that was once her world. Then there is Jack. He has no clue how to handle the “new” Caroline. He seems so lost, it was heartbreaking. His pain was practically bleeding from the pages.
I have grown to love the cliffhangers. People usually hate them, but they are something I knew would happen in every book (warning from author) and they continue to be perfectly executed.
Do not miss out of this saga.
Head over to Goodreads to enter for the chance to win a SIGNED copy of PHOENIX, the fourth book in The Bellator Saga by Cecilia London! The Giveaway ends on May 26th.
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