⭐️️Here's what I'm working on next!!⭐️
Title: Love Tap
Releasing summer 2016
All I ever wanted was to be a female fighter.
It was in my blood to smack people around.
Some girls wore pink dresses and makeup, I wore sneakers and bruises.
I was a loner, stuck to myself because I was different, until Camden Steel moved next door.
I punched him in the mouth, and he saw me through rose colored glasses from that day on.
I had everything I ever wanted.
The boy next door, inspiring career… until I didn’t.
He hates me. I deserve that.
They say you have to fight for what you want… What they don’t tell you… is it’ll cost you more than you're willing to give to reach the top.
Add it to your TBR: http://bit.ly/GoodreadsLoveTap
Here is what I have been working on for the past month, and I'm almost done with it. It's scary venturing away from my biker boys, but it's also refreshing to dive into a new atmosphere.
This is a standalone, and in Forgy fashion will still be full of grit, sex, and suspense.

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