QueenZany 5 Star Review Stoned by Mandi Beck

QueenZany 5 Star Review
by Mandi Beck



by  Mandi Beck

Mandi Beck literary  gutted me!! With this beautiful and yet  poignant story! Let's say I was up to 4am in the morning reading. I couldn't put it down. I felt as if I would stop. My heart would just crumble into a million pieces. Yes I was shattered at times. As if i could feel Willows and Stones pain. With every word you're drawn deeper into the word of “Stoned”. Its a beautiful fucked up love story that will forever hold a piece of my heart! Yes while writing now! Tears are streaming down my face. I can still feel these characters so vividly. That's it's almost breathtaking to the point.

Mandi Beck you have blown me away!!! I will be forever grateful having been able to arc read Stoned!!!

“You’re like this inferno. This big damn burning house. Flames consuming every inch of it, every inch of you. But I love you. God, I love you. So I hold on, and when you push, I hold on even tighter until you’re throwing fire at me as well. I let you burn us down because leaving you was never an option. I’ve held on for so long, you’ve finally killed my flame. I can’t fight fire with fire if mine is gone. So now what? Do I just stay here with you, and try to dig us out of the ashes of what’s left ? I can’t. I can’t let you torch what’s left of me.” 

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

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