#review #White #BlackSeries #TLSmith @LsmithT

QueenZany 4.5 Star Review

by   T.L. Smith

T.L. Smith  fulled my darkmance fix with “White”. Yes she is one of writers I often seem to stalk!!  I fell hard for this series with Black! That was the first book I read by Author T.L. Smith. I was captivated by these characters from the start! So I had to continue with this serie.
White truly show cases T.L. Smith’s growth as a writer. Her ability to a story like White! Which only became a vivid world in which you didn't want to leave!  With all that grit, grime and lust. Oh can I say the heart murmurs it gave me! Then the oh shit I may die at some point or I want to beat a few people after! Hmmm  Aww Just brings me a wicked smile to my face!!!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

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