Cover Reveal for Fated Reunion by Arabella Rose

Cover Reveal for Fated Reunion by Arabella Rose

FR_FBCover FatedReunion_FrontCover
Title: Fated Reunion
Author: Arabella Rose
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 1
He was my first love, he was my everything. That was until he wasn’t. I had loved him since I was young, and all I knew was him. Nothing else. But I had to change my circumstances, I had to take a leap. It broke both our hearts. I could feel our hearts cracking. Breaking, shattering into a million pieces.

Time moved on, people change. We had changed. Did our love though? I wasn’t so sure, because he still made my palms sweaty and my butterflies take flight.
But I’d moved on, right? So why did seeing him affect me that much. It couldn’t be right. All those feelings couldn’t still be there after five long years, without a word in-between, could they?

Close-up of beautiful passionate couple kissing while having sex

About the Author
Once upon a time I was a bestselling Author of dark romantic suspense. Now I’ve decided to play in another genre as my alter ego, Arabella Rose…

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