QueenZany 5 Star Review LOVESICK T.L. Smith

QueenZany 5 Star Review


T.L. Smith

HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!!! I did not see those twist coming!

LOVESICK is a slow burning story, of utter beauty and devastation!

That will leave your soul gutted, pulse racing and your mind spinning!  Since T.L. Smith steam rolled over me!  Like freight train hitting me head on! Yes!!! I came unhinged.  By the sheer force of the twists.  Gasping for air and making sure I wasn't having a heart attack.
Then there i was gutted and weeping like a disheveled child!
But I would do it again in a heartbeat! Since LOVESICK was a beautiful raw story of broken souls!  Which epically blew my mind away!


I couldn’t do broken.
Broken is what he was.
Broken is what I will always be.
To his eyes, that held so much despair, I couldn’t look for long.
To his fist, that clenched so tightly, like he was locking away the sorrow.
To his lips, that never uttered a word, from the years of heartbreak.
And despite it all, I couldn’t stay away from him.
It was like he was drowning in an ocean, and I wanted to grab his face, and whisper to his lips, “Don’t forget to breathe.”
This was how I fell for a man. A man who was so lovesick, I was afraid he would drown me in that same ocean he was lost in.
Lovesick Teaser 2
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