QueenZany 5 Star Review Real Good Love Meghan March

#review @Meghan_March #romance #oneclick

QueenZany 5 Star Review

Real Good Love

Meghan March

Holly Hell!!  Meghan March has steamrolled the competition with this baby!!
Real Good Love is off the charts sex!! By bringing a meaning to the word Dirty!
Yes, Dirty!!
But like every Meghan March books, there's a ton of twist. That leave you saying WTF? Then shaking it off for the next sinful and over the top snarky humor i love! All while never letting the story die down!
I have to say Logan and Banner are my new favorite Dirty couple! These two have a fiery hot connection that is indescribable! So hot you will need a fire extinguisher to put it out! Yet so realistic you dream of that heat!

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