QueenZany 5 Star Review Fake Fiancée Ilsa Madden-Mills

@ilsamaddenmills  #Review  #5starreview

QueenZany 5 Star Review

Fake Fiancée

Ilsa Madden-Mills

Fake Fiancéeis that one book that will have you, swooning all the way home!

There is something truly magical about a book. That wraps you up in its fabric. Cloaking you in its mystery and shielding you from the pain. The pain of the past.   Stirs your soul and curls your emotions like a warm hug.   

There is just that one spark!  That will have you sailing, into a new atmosphere. Binding your mind body and soul. Which is a simple thing called fate or that kismet quality! Otherwise known as  Max and Sunny’s story!  To this new reality. A new journey of LOVE!!  


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