Crow By A. Zavarelli is Free

@AshZav  #Crow #LachlanCrow #HotIrishMen #Romance #Suspense #OneClickMust #BostonUnderworld1 #FREE

CrowBy A. Zavarelli is Free

An Irish mobster. A missing friend. Two loyalties, ripping me apart.
I had a plan.

Get in, get my information, and get out. Easy, right?

Turns out, infiltrating the Irish mafia isn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I just wanted a soldier. Someone I could flirt with to get me in the door.

That’s when Lachlan Crow noticed me. Problem was, he wasn’t a soldier. No, he was next in line for the throne of the Irish underworld. And he was determined to hate me from the outset. My sob story about needing a job? Yeah, he wasn’t buying that either.

Too bad for him, I won’t let anyone get in the way of my mission.

Who cares if we have some kind of crazy chemistry? He’s the worst kind of wrong- and I would never in a million years be with a guy like him.

Because they took her from me, and I’m going to make them pay.


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