QueenZany 5 STAR REVIEW Where Lightning Strikes by A.L. Jackson

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Where Lightning Strikes

by A.L. Jackson

Warning if you suffer from a heart condition. Be forewarned that you may have heart palpitations! Do to the excessive heart clenching ride that you are about to experience!
Also you should at times carry a box of tissues with you! Do to excessive crying that will accrue during this book!

A.L. Jackson's writing only seems to be improve with every new novel. Which I mean how can you improve on perfection? But some how she does! She gives us “Where Lightning Strikes” which is her new masterpiece in itself. Just a phenomenal book! She brought us Awww “Lyrik” he's a torn broken man. With the soul of an angle. 
But fuck he drove me insane!!! Half the time I want to jump him. The other you want to beat the crap out of him.
Then there is “Tamar” AKA "RED" You spitfire bombshell! That has a hell of a past. But when her and “Lyrik” become fire and ice! Just like the perfect storm.

Emotions I felt While reading “Where Lightning Strikes”:
Tears more Tears! Sex machine and oh now you're making me laugh! Can you just pull my heart out of my chest? Then oh fuck NO NO!!!! 
For the love of ever loving GOD Thank you for that spectacular ending. Even If I thought I was about to die A.L. Jackson!!

Perfect companion to the Bleeding Star series. 
Please tell me that Ashes book is coming soon! 

" He stood out like a fiery bolt of electricity. A streak of light and a blanket of dark. So destructive and compelling it was impossible to look away, the boy poised to strike and set you aflame. " 

ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review

Grab Your Copy of Where Lightning Strikes 

About A.L. Jackson

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled, When We Collide, If Forever Comes, Come to Me Quietly, and Come to Me Softly.
She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.
Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

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