Release Blitz for the Devil's Highway by Golden Czermak

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Release Blitz for the Devil's Highway by Golden Czermak

The Devil's Highway Banner The Devil's Highway
Title: The Devil's Highway
Series: Journeyman Series #4
Author: Golden Czermak
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 5
The Adventure Continues

From author Golden Czermak, comes the fourth installment of the engrossing Journeyman Series.

Gage and his team must race against time, searching for a beloved teammate who is held in the barbaric clutches of the Noctis.

Meanwhile, Dajjal has entered frozen wastes beyond the Door in the Mountain, searching for the Crown of Immortality. The inhabitants of that realm are unwilling to part with their greatest treasure, challenging the demon to take it by force.

He gladly agrees.

Deep in the shadows, other powers long neutral are now hard at work, watching the events along The Devil’s Highway with great interest.

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The Series



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About the Author
In the beginning, Golden worked the standard corporate rat race, completed college for a Chemical Engineering Degree, and began a small photography company on the side.
Since then, and the growth of the FuriousFotog brand, Golden became an internationally published modeling/fitness photographer and eventually began working as a book cover model.

Having been in the industry for at least four years, he has interfaced and networked with countless authors and other clients. As part of his work as a photographer, he worked with them to create book cover images - now numbering well over 250 at the beginning of 2016.
Learning the ins and out of the book world, along with being an avid reader and storyteller himself, Golden finally decided to write and publish his first book, Homeward Bound, in 2016. This paranormal adventure romance will span a total of six books and new ideas for other stories are in the works as well.

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